Sunday, March 30, 2008

American Museum of The Natural History

My experience at AMNH was different than the times when I was younger. There was more of understanding of what was going on in the museum and in the area's we gathered information from. What I learned from the museum is that ninety nine percent of Earth's atmosphere green house gases are made up of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and methane. The Earth is kept warm by the green house gases which entraps the sun's radiation. Throughout the years from 1870 to 1970 carbon dioxide has increased in the atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide is partly responsible for the warming of the Earth. The cycling of the The Earth's elements is what allows life to thrive and survive. When you think about AMNH it is a form of media. It exhibits the life of many different animals of the past and the present. It explains their lifestyle that you can also watch on television. Except that in the museum everything seems more real. Humans can de naturalize nature by tearing down trees, using pollutants that harm the water and the atmosphere. We can continue to throw our recyclables in the trash instead of the recycling bin, we can not use energy savers and continue you do what is wrong instead of doing what is right. Humans can re naturalize by using the technology that we have. We can plant trees, use less fossil fuels or create more museums that would explain that humans are the number one destroyer of the planet Earth and that it is up to us to reverse the damage.


What can I say about this religion? That it is very confusing and frustrating. However what I do understand is that this religion requires a person to obtain a certain amount of knowledge for him not be considered an evil "spirit". It connects with Plato's Allegory Of The Cave and The Matrix because everything is about knowledge. Whether if it's about spirits, shadows or false worlds there has to be some type of understanding of what is going around people. Having lack of knowledge of your surroundings can only lead to the destruction of a person's soul. Why wake up if you have no clue as to what is going on in the world? Knowledge is the fundamental way of getting on with life. Some people say that it is better to let certain things be unknown, I say the more the merrier.

Allegory Of The Cave

Allegory of The Cave was an experiment for higher education. This experiment consisted of immbolized adolescents and their heads gazed to the walls. Behind the children there was a fire and a handful of animals that Plato used to cast as shadows. The whole point of why this experiment was conducted, was to see if these non-freed persons would realize that what they were looking at was not real. There are some similarities between Plato's experiment and the Matrix. Both the Matrix and Allegory are an illusion to the human eye. When a prisoner was freed from the cave and exposed to the truth he became blind. The reason why the prisoner became blind was due to the fact that he was removed from the the darkness and was shown to sunlight. His eye's could not adjust to the drastic change of the removal from the dark. In the first Matrix Neo is freed from the matrix, which too is a cover up of the truth. However the end result of Neo discovering the truth was not becoming blind, but that his eyes had hurt because he had never used them before. Another connection between the two is that Machine's used Humans as a source of power. While on the other hand Humans used Humans to conduct an experiment for education.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Today in class we watched a very interesting movie, called The Matrix. I was intrigued that there was a perpetuating dialogue about artificial intelligence. In The Matrix it was explained that humans were used as a source for solar power, for these machines because it was the humans that scorched the sky. I think it's creepy that AI would want to dominate the entire human race. Who would you blame for that? The creators of AI, humans. I think that it is awesome that there is this woman Trinity who can kick some ass. It's about time that we have a woman that has the same strength as a man and holds no fear in her heart. The Matrix gives you a new meaning to life. I try to visualize myself in the movie and what I got was total disgust. I understand that outside of the matrix you have these incredible powers. However you are still not in control of your life. Fate is, in my opinion. Why would I want to live on a ship and have a bowl full of snot for breakfast? I'm stuck in the decision of knowing that inside the matrix I have a normal life. Although outside of the matrix I can manipulate it's rules and be invincible. Sometimes I make the connection that even in real life we as people, are still not in control. I would say that the government are the machines and we are the bodies that they use for their source of power. We are bound by rules and regulations. If those rules are broken, consequences are meant to be faced. Unlike in The Matrix death is the only and ultimate consequence. Either way you think of it we are not in control of our lives.